New life style for long-term fight against coronavirus


Kさんが、会社の新しい生活様式と会社でのコロナ対策についてエッセイを書いてくれました。感染者が増加する中、with コロナ の経済活動を目指すのであれば、さらに詳細な生活様式が必要になりますね。教室でもできる限りの対策を日々模索しています。2mの距離を保てるように、配置変更したり、換気で室内温度が上がるため、スポットクーラーを購入しました。重ねて、手洗い・消毒の徹底にご協力をお願いいたします。おかげさまでアルコール消毒剤も手に入りやすくなりましたので、たっぷり使ってください。

My company reached a decision to use telework systems from April 11 to prevent the spread of the virus during Tokyo’s state of emergency.
My company started staggered working hours so that commuting to work can be kept without stress.
It was not just my company that was affected, but various facilities as well.
Facilities falling under six categories, including entertainment facilities, universities and tutoring schools, and exercise and amusement facilities, were basically requested to close operations.
The use of and holding of events in educational and cultural facilities were also suspended.
Because of these measures, I couldn’t go to the gym or to the music festival, but as alternatives, I took an online yoga lesson and watched the concert’s live video on You Tube.
Although the state of emergency was lifted yesterday, I will continue to avoid the “Cs” and will adopt “new lifestyles” to fight the coronavirus.

“Three Cs”

  • Confined spaces with poor ventilation
  • Crowded places with many people nearby
  • Close-contact settings such as close-range conversations

“New lifestyles”

  • Wear a mask
  • Wash my hands and gargle
  • Open the window
  • Stay 2 meters away from others

I fail in remote meetings and get tired from telework, but I would like to promote more efficient work styles through trial and error.

I would like to discuss work-style innovations with people in different industries. Please let me know if you have any ideas for your work.