Politeness and gratitude is embedded in the Japanese language.
Let’s take the commonly used phrase おつかれさまでした as an example. It’s a standard phrase Japanese use when heading home after a long day at work or school. Literally, it means thank YOU (the people the speaker is saying it to) for your hard work today.
Do we have an equivalent in English? No. Most people just say “I’m off now”, “I’m done for the day, see you later”, “I’m knocking off now” and “See you tomorrow” (similar to お先に). If you feel a little bad that others are staying back at the office while you get an early mark, you could throw in a “Hope you don’t have to stay too late” at the end.
“Thank you for your hard work” sounds a bit too heavy or corny, unless there was something specific that the team worked hard on together that day or you’re the manager / boss.